After a long and bumpy flight the day yesterday, I wanted to have some beach time, and was texted by some friends to head down to timothy beach at 1pm to play some volleyball. I happily made my way down on the overcast, but still nice day. After about 20 minutes, the heavens opened and we had to cease volleyball. We all ran for cover at Ziggys and laughed for about an hour. The rain hadn't yet stopped when someone suggested we go swimming. At first I was hesistant. Hurricane Gustavo was pounding surroung countries and our match was ended due to the bad weather. After some coersion, about 10 of us headed for the water. The waves were big and the rain was beating on us, but we joked some more and rolled with the passing storm. Seeing all of these "professionals" accting like children and smiling as we hadnt done in months made my heart warm.
We all battled the water and swam back to shore successfully. More laughter ensued. After a bit longer, we all decided to give mother nature the finger, and went back to our volleyball game. Lucky for us, she finally relented and the sun came out. Good vibes and a playful nature ensued.
(Hey now, we all have our moments... and we are all swimmers and it wasn't THAT bad )

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