After a long day of studying today, I decided to get some chinese food for dinner. I havent really gone grocery shopping in a while because i know I'm leaving the island, and this apartment, and I dont feel like spending too much on food i'm going to have to throw away... anyway... so I drive over to Kings Palace and pick up the very yummy hot and sour soup. As I drive back to campus, I get within 2 miles and all of a sudden my car stops. Yes, it stops... completely. Midmotion, in drive, at 830pm, on a poorly lit road.
Somehow she's got just enough juice/momentum to roll onto the side of the (one lane) road. I put her in park (not that she was going anywhere because the engine seized, and the breaks locked) and did what anyone would do. I called Amanda. Now, Amanda for those that don't know, if one of my friends here. She knows nothing about cars at all. She is, however, a reassuring voice, and I know she's gotten stuck before so she would know what to do. She tells me to call Ross security and they should be able to help. It's a few minutes before they reach me, but it felt like forever. Hello, middle of a dark road, at night, alone, in a broken down car. This is how bad movies start. Locals all slow down to check out whats going on, and a few honk at me like I'm just sitting there for the fun of it.
Finally security comes and he tries to jump my battery. Um, dude, my car started and drove for a while... it's not the battery. Anywhoo we can't get it going so he decides to tow me to campus. He ties a small rope, yes a rope, to our respective cars to pull me back to campus. The swirling lights are drawing more local attention, but at least now I wasn't alone. We get moving and we go about 10 feet when the rope snaps (surprise surprise). Now, we arent going fast, but my breaks aren't exactly working so I narrowly miss crunching into his freshly cleaned security car. I smash on the brakes as hard as my feet can push and manage a stop as I turn the wheel and barely miss his car.
He pulls out a longer nylon looking tether and we try again, and proceed to fail miserably. Apparently it got caught under my tire as we were moving and burned straight through, leaving my car freely moving. At least this time I knew to pound the breaks. Finally he ties that nylon thing to another rope and we start on our merry way back to campus. We make it this time, but not before his siren/lights blind me and I almost steered us off the road. 2 miles is a long way when it's hilly, dark, and you are being towed!
Upon reaching campus, my battery goes out due to my lights being on the entire time, as well as the multiple start attempts. This is fine though because that's nothing but a simple jump and a little rest.
So, now I'm in my room, waiting for tomorrow morning, when a friend of mine's friend (6 degrees much?) can look at my car. Damn these ross-mobiles!!
At least after getting back to my dorm my friend made me a cup of hot chocolate after hearing my chinese food turmoil!