Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's about time...

It's been a long time since I posted an update about life here at Ross.... to begin with, I got the opportunity to go to the SAVMA Symposium in Ohio this past October. It was very cool. SAVMA Symposium is put on by the hosting school (this time OSU) for SAVMA delegates and other vet students. The lectures and evening activites are geared towards us. I met some great people, heard some amazing lectures and got to get off the rock for a few days. I also go the chance to meet Dr Fitzgerald (of Emergency Vet fame) We talked about him coming to Ross for a few days, and said we would speak in the future.

After that, I finished third semester (YAY!) and spent about a week at home remembering my friends and lamenting leaving (though happy to get back to work).

This semester I moved into the Royal St Kitts hotel (whi isn't nearly as cool as it sounds, even though...) it includes a gym, 2 pools and 2 areas to eat/purchase food.

A few weeks into the semester I decided it was time to run for SAAVMA (our student government, dictated to by the AVMA, which is the umbrella government that covers all licensed veterinarians) vice president. After a pretty decent speech, and a few votes in my favor, I won. I step into the shoes of SAAVMA Vice President, week one next semester. In addition to that, I have maintained my position as class representive for SAAVMA. With both of those in my favor, I got the chance to attend the AVMA convention in Seattle this past week.

The AVMA convention was another great chance to network and see new speakers. I also got to see Dr fitzgerald again, and this time we had lunch. We talked about many things, but the main meeting point was to discuss him coming to St Kitts. We decided on January, with him lecturing on many issues. I'm super excited becuase he is a cool hippie emergency vet, who knows everything about, just about, everything... In addition I got to go (minor) sightseeing, and taste a few of the local microbrews. After 6 flights in 4.5 days I finally got back here to st Kitts and took a pharm exam. Though it wasn't my best grade here at Ross, I'm not too worried, plus of any exam for any reason, this was the reason I would want a low grade to occur (not that I ever want a low grade but you get it) lol...

Pike's Market (At least someone is looking out for you folks! Kidding kidding lol)

The original Starbucks

Me and Brenden

Anyway, life here has been up and down, but lately it has been a few really high peaks with only minimal lower moments. I'm completely excited to get back to NY in August and can't wait to get another hit of the states :)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Finally got a camera!

While I was home (more so right before I left to come back to St Kitts) I "borrowed" my mom's camera. Thankfully she is letting me keep it :) Anyway, now that i have a camera I can share some pictures from the very special rock that I call home.

First, we'll start with my car. I have a 1994 Toyota Camry. When I bought her, she had some cosmetic issues, but nothing too bad. Over the last 6 months however, my drivers side window shattered, the gas attendant guy ripped the gas cover off, and someone backed into me. She still runs well (that is AFTER I bought a new battery, because apparently you need to "water" your battery to keep it running. Who knew?) but she's getting uglier by the day!

But what's not so bad, is my apartment! I'll give you the quick view of the view right outside my house, my kitchen, living room, and then balcony out back :)

And last but not least, for my birthday my roomates drew me a card and stuck it on the fridge

And that's all she wrote (for now)


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back to the grind...

Hello all... I know it's been a while since I had the chance to update this, so I apologize to all of my faithful readers (that means you mom) :)

Third semester is off to a slow start, but at least it's a start. I think I just wasn't ready to begin classes again. The break was too short, and the time spent in NY was priceless. I got the chance to remember why I was sad when I left, and got back to St Kitts before I could remember the reasons I needed to leave that life. I should have some pictures soon, but we all know how that goes!

Well, I dont really have anything too interesting to share, so I may as well do some dishes before my roomates come home and beat me up because of my plate thats been in the sink for the last few days!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where's my coffee... WHO MOVED MY COFFEE!!!

Today we salute you Mr. Stressed Out Vet Student during finals week. As you sit in your lonely cubicle in the library, doped up on Red Bull and adderall, you think to yourself, will I ever really to need to know this stuff in real life? The distractions are tempting and you have just diagnosed yourself with ADD, advanced delusional schizophrenia ... Read Moreand involuntary narcissistic rage. By now you know exactly what everyone else is doing because you have checked your Facebook 800 times. Break is just days away, and your Prozac prescription will be in tomorrow. So crack open an ice cold Carib you academic warrior, because you’ll be spending break in rehab.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thanksgiving... St Kitts style

So my roomates and I scrapped plans for a small thanksgiving and proceeded to get uber stuffed at Amanda's house. It was a potluck dinner, so basically we had more food then we knew what to do with...

Needless to say, we ate, and ate and ate....
(dont worry, thats what I took home lol)

Dessert was just as tasty

but after all that food I felt like I was going to explode!!!

Good thing Thanksgiving is only once a year!!! (so what that I had another dinner the next night at a different house)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Maybe this is why Dallas keeps female cheerleaders...

As you know, Thanksgiving is all about family, friends and football. Not to miss any traditions from back home, Ross had a powderpuff football game. Basically powderpuff football is where the girls play, and the guys cheer. Below there are two links to some videos of the boys... watch and enjoy. And yes, this is what we do in vet school (after almost 9 hours of studying)

Oh, and the guy in Orange is one of my roomates. My other roomie is in there too, but he blends in with a grey shirt
That ones longer, but it's the whole routine
Shorter routine

Monday, November 24, 2008

1 year down, 2.5 to go

As I'm sure you can tell by the lack of blogs recently, it's beeen a busy few weeks! It's been a seemingly endless barrage of exams, drinks, and drama. I was given the oppertunity to attend an alumni event at Reggae Beach which was very nice. The food was good, and the new faces were refreshing. I've also been chipping away at getting a new position for the Bayer Corp. The powers that be are scheduling interviews via webcam/phone during December/January. I've already emailed about mine so we'll see how it goes.

Second semester is slowly coming to an end. As of today, we have this week, next week, and then finals the week after. This semester has been a steady rotation of waking up, feeling like crap, going to class, studying, meetings, and going to bed. Wash rinse repeat. It has become such a routine that the semester (though it felt like it dragged) truley flew by.

It blows my mind that I have been here coming up on a year. It seems like just a few days ago I got off that plane. In fact, when I come back from NY, I'll be flying in on the one year anniversary of my arrival in St Kitts.

What's most trippy about life here recently is the sudden and almost ever present Christmas theme. Since about Halloween the radio stations have begun playing all the regular rotations of holiday music! It's freakish to be in 85+ degree weather and be thinking about Christmas. This place truly is a bubble. If not for the music I probably wouldn't even know Christmas is coming.

That being said, my roomates and I are having a small thanksgiving here at the apt. I'm not sure when we'll have the time to cook, but I think it will be nice to spend some non-school time with the people that have become family.

Anyway, the countdown has begun and only 2.5 weeks till I'm back in NY. Get your party pants on because Rachel will be coming to town!